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Notifications for multiple doors

PostPosted: Tue Apr 15, 2014 11:24 am
by Aadams1278
I've been using this setup for about a year now and I am quite happy with it. Up until now I have had just one door connected to it. I'm now thinking of adding a second door and I'm aware that the app can support as many doors as you have hardware pins to connect, however, how will the prowl notifications work with two doors? Can prowl differentiate between which of the doors is open AND provide an independent watchdog timer for each one? (Such as if they were both opened but staggered. Door 1 open, 5 minutes later door 2 opened. Will I get 2 separate notifications 20 minutes and 25 minutes later?)

Re: Notifications for multiple doors

PostPosted: Mon Apr 21, 2014 8:12 am
by support
The current code base doesn't allow for custom message or different delays on a per device/door basis,
but this could easily be modified on your side. If you can't/won't do it yourself, add this to the feature
requests forum and we'll see if it's something we could rollout in a future release.
