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NotificationsOpen LOOPing

PostPosted: Sun Aug 25, 2013 4:50 pm
by ToddG
Outstanding application! I do have one minor problem though-

When I uncomment //#define NOTIFICATIONS_OPEN, I get continuous push notification after notification (using prowl) which seems to be in an endless loop while the door is open. The watchdog notification seems to work fine, but not the OPEN notification.

Please advise.
Thanks Todd-

Re: NotificationsOpen LOOPing

PostPosted: Sun Aug 25, 2013 6:12 pm
by support
Hi Todd,

Thanks for your feedback. You can get into a continuous notifications loop when
one of the status sensors trips from an open -> closed -> open -> closed, continuously.

This typically happens when using the following status sensing strategies:


These rely on an analogRead() operation instead of the newer and more
accurate digitalRead() operation. Analog reads can sometimes "fluke" so they
are not the best. If you must absolutely use one of those older strategies, you might
want to tune and tweak the STATUS_OPEN_TRESHOLD value as this is what will be
used by the analogRead() to report an open or closed status. Its value should be
between 0 and 1023. Play with that value until you reach your sweet spot.

But again, if you can, you'd be better off switching to one of the newer
status sensing strategies:


Those rely on digitalRead() and will accurately report either 0 or 1, spot on,
with no ambiguity.

Best regards,

Re: NotificationsOpen LOOPing

PostPosted: Mon Sep 30, 2013 3:40 am
by rpuas
I was also having issues with the Push Notifications Looping.

Originally, I used the STATUS_STRATEGY_3VCLOSED_5VOPENED wired to a magnetic contact and it worked for a day
and then stopped working.

So I switched to STATUS_STRATEGY_NORMALLY_CLOSED... but could only get it to work by wiring the +5V to Status pin #2 when closed
and GND to pin#2 when open. Without the GND, the Push Notifications looped.

Not sure if it's the correct config, but seems to be working. I'll post back in a couple days if it breaks.
