Hi everyone,
Our online assembly documentation was written with the older RelayShield in mind
for which the pin-out is different than it is with the latest DFRobot RelayShield v2.1.
So, if you're using the latest version of the DFRobot RelayShield (version 2.1), the
pin-out to be using is the following:
Com1: Digital Pin 2 (that one hasn't changed from the initial documentation)
Com2: Digital Pin 7 (used to be pin 3 in the initial documentation)
Com3: Digital Pin 8 (used to be pin 4 in the initial documentation)
Com4: Digital Pin 10 (used to be pin 5 in the initial documentation)
Note that Com4 won't work because it conflicts with the Ethernet shield which
also uses Digital Pin 10.
Also, whenever you make those changes to the INO file, remember to also make
the according changes within the iPhone app in your devices' settings.
Best regards,