I am having trouble getting past the Software configuration section of the “simplified assembly process” (I didn’t think I was an idiot, but I could be mistaken). Apparently it is not simplified enough for me.
I have connected the DFRobot to my computer with the correct USB cord and the two relays click on and off and the leds blink. I have successfully installed the drivers for the DFRobot board (device Manager recognizes it).
I have downloaded the MyDoorOpener project software. It resides in My Documents directory and the files look like the ones in the example shown.
I have downloaded the correct Arduino IDE software for Windows. It resides in the C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino folder.
I am double-clicking the MyDoorOpener.ino file (in the My Documents directory) to edit the IP address and password. I don’t see how to determine which is line ~53 for the IP address, or –line ~58 for the Password change. Is the IP address change I need to make in the following lines somewhere?
#include <Time.h>
#include "MyDoorServer.h"
// Global configuration (adjust to reflect your setup)
// EthernetShield IP address (DHCP reserved, never allocated to anyone else). This is the internal
// network IP address you want your Arduino assigned. This is not the address you will be accessing
// your Arduino from the iPhone application or internet ... You need to configure NAT forwarding
// on your home router to do that. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Port_forwarding for more details.
uint8_t ip[4] = { 192, 168, 0, 13 };
// Port on which Arduino HTTP server will listen to
int port = 80;
// MAC address to be used by ethernet adapter
uint8_t mac[6] = { 0xDE, 0xAD, 0xBE, 0xEF, 0xFE, 0xED };
Is the following (in bold) where I need to replace “xxx” with my password?
(// password required for operating door [max length = 16] (status fetching doesn't require password). This
// must match the password you set in the iPhone application (be careful as case is sensitive).
char* password = "xxx";
I have tried to upload the MyDoorOpener program (Sketch) to the board (without changing password and IP address) but I can’t figure out how that is supposed to go either.