Could you write code to utilize simple geofencing to automate the garage door to close and open without any manual intervention? Since the iPhone can utilize proximity location services and geofencing it seems it would be simple to set a home geolocation either by hitting a "register home" button or typing in an address. Then your software could set up a geofence to that location; let’s say a 3 block radius. Now, you can program a button on the interface to setup a one-time out and one-time in code script to run.
Now, in the morning I open my mydooropener app and hit the (1 time out/ 1 time in) button and place the phone in my pocket. Later on I go to my garage and open the door with the wall remote. I jump on my motorcycle and back it out of the garage. As I head down the road my phone is sensing my geolocation and once I trip the geofence the phone signals my garage to close. After returning at the end of the day, my phone again sensing my geolocation sees that I trip the set geofence and sends the signal to my garage to open. I round the block and see my garage open and welcoming me home. I pull in and jump off my bike and close the garage as usual. The app then resets itself waiting for my next command.
I assume if your app could always sense the position of the garage door you could have an always on solution so when you leave the geofence it knows to close the door and when you return it would know to open the door. This would be a requirement since the user might leave the front door of the house to walk away or ride with someone else and if the app sent the automation signal once the left the geofence it would actually open the garage door leaving it open all day and then close it once they return but the user would not know their door was open all day since it would be closed by the time they see their house.
Full time automation would be great but a bit more technical in nature. 1 Time out/in would be easier to do and provide huge functionality to garage door automation. This would greatly benefit 2 wheeled modes of transportation but 4 wheeled modes of transportation would benefit as well. Without geofence automation, functionality is little more useful than my remote I have today other than I can open it from farther away but at the expense of having to fish my phone out of my pocket, unlock it, open an app, and initiate a program.
We would all rather fire up the app before leaving home, setting the automation sequence into motion, and heading out. You figure this one out and you will have a homerun on your hands..... It’s pretty simple code actually. You could even give the end user the choice of 3 or 4 different distances to set the geofence. Some people might want the door to just be opening as they pull into the garage?