Lets start with the problem I have.
My internet connection drops from time to time and having a DDNS solution implemented (because I dont have static IP) makes things harder for me when I'm in the front of the door and cannot enter the house because my internet from the house does not work.
In that situation, I have to enter in the settings of mydooropener app and change the DDNS IP to my actual local IP e.g. 192.168.1.XXX of the router. This way I can enter the house using my local network while WIFI connected.
This is acceptable for me, but my wife does not know all this IP's and she has no experience with configuration of the mydooropener app.
One of my proposal will be to have local configuration and remote configuration using the following structure:
Local connection:
IP/Host 192.168.1.XXX
Port 8080
Network name ASUS
and a button to test the connection
Remote connection:
IP/Host Static IP/DDNS
Port 80
and again a button to test the connection
This solution is already implemented by a developer in an app which is controlling the security alarm DSC and works amazing.
And in this configuration it does not matter if you have internet connection working at home, as long you are connected to your wifi, you can open the garage/gate without any additional settings.
I hope this will be easy to implement and that other users will vote for this feature.