I heard rumor that a URL Scheme would be coming in the next release (last update on iTunes was Oct 2013, so I'm not sure if there will be any updates, but thought I'd ask).
I've been using this app for a while now, and the home automation market has grown. It would be extremely useful to have a URL Scheme/API available to that, at the least, applications like Launch Center Pro can perform functions withing MyDoorOpener externally.
Suggested calls:
mydooropener://?close[name} - closes door [for device "name"] if sensor status is open
mydooropener://?open[name} - closes door [for device "name"] if sensor status is closed
mydooropener://?toggle[name} - toggles door [for device "name"] regardless of sensor status
mydooropener://?statud[name} - returns status string [for device "name"].
This would allow some degree of automation and/or integration with home automation hubs.
Please advise if development of MyDoorOpener plans to continue, or if this application will no longer be updated so that an alternate solution can be found.